Trove is a physical and digital tool that enables children and young people to be in control of their own life story. It combines a multi-media storying app and bag designed for adding stories to objects. Keeping safe the objects and their connected stories, trove uses simple digital technologies to bring them back to life, time after time. CenSoF Senior Research Associate, Lisa May Thomas, explains how she – together with fellow University of Bristol researcher Dr Stuart Gray – took trove to the Abrechian woodland activity centre in the forest near to Loch Ness and Inverness earlier this year.
Category: Blog
Imagining our Immersive Digital Futures
As the field of Immersive technologies continues to grow at a rapid pace, people from all across the world are starting to wonder what their immersive futures may look like. Will immersive technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) become part of our everyday lives? (more…)