Engaging young people in discussions about AI

By Lisa May Thomas and Debbie Watson 

Everyday vast amounts of data are being collected, analysed and used to train AI on a scale we have never experienced before. Right now, decisions are being made by big businesses and government that will determine how and by whom this data can be used.  

But this data impacts all of us, we need to make these decisions together. 

These are decisions about what data gets collected; decisions about how we are grouped and compared, about how data is processed and used to teach AI systems to analyse and predict our behaviour. To make assumptions about us. 

Data driven systems now underpin our lives. it’s not just about us as individuals. It’s not in the cloud. Data is everywhere. Data is collective. Data is powerful. 

So are we. 

We need to decide together how this data about all of us should be used, now and in the future.  

We are all connected by data. 

https://connectedbydata.org/  (more…)

How does a computer know how you feel?

Futures: Up Late 2024, was a coming together of the Centre for Sociodigital Futures (CenSoF), MyWorld and the Bristol Vision Institute (BVI) on the SS Great Britain. We demonstrated at the event lots of different types of technologies to stimulate an open conversation about the future use of them, from Virtual Reality to real-time emotion detection technology. With this latter technology Artificial Intelligence (AI) and computer vision can be used to not only identify faces but claims to read your emotions too. But how reliable is it? And what ethical issues arise when AI is used to detect our feelings?


How is the Port of Dover preparing for the EU’s Entry/Exit System on a road network serving the UK’s busiest port?

By CenSoF’s Moving Domain Team and Nicholas Ward, Funding and Partnership Development Executive, Port of Dover

In October 2024 the European Union (EU) plans to implement its Entry/Exit System (EES). The world’s richest countries are moving away from physical passports and visas, and towards a fully digital record of immigration status and history. EES is part of this strategy but, without an upstream technological solution, challenges have been raised as to how this will be carried out in practice by the EU in a way that does not impede the vital flow of people and goods on Kent’s motorways? And how is the Port managing the traffic already flowing into Dover? (more…)

Virtual reality requires body and consciousness

By Priscila Gonsales

One of the challenges for those who research education based on the perspective of post-humanism is to disseminate the idea that digital technology, increasingly embedded in social life, cannot be deemed a mere tool-object to be appropriated by the human being-subject. Katherine Hayles’ post-humanist perspective focuses on the interactions between human beings and technologies (between body and information). These make it possible to understand tangled networks in constant construction and reconstruction in the sociodigital context. (more…)

Exploring river futures

By Lisa May Thomas

It’s a cold day in February and we’re here on the banks of the river Avon in Bristol thinking about all the different ways it’s possible to know a river.

With us is a group of interdisciplinary academics, artists, environmental professionals and community organisations. We’ve come together through a project exploring river futures. Over the next few hours we’ll be experimenting with different methods to understand the river in new ways.


Exploring the sociodigital dimensions of automated decision-making

By Francesco Amato

Have you ever wondered about the social implications of automated decision-making systems?

In recent years, automated decision-making systems powered by artificial intelligence have become increasingly widespread. These systems have the power to make choices that affect various aspects of our lives, from job applications to loan approvals. It is therefore essential to examine and evaluate their social impact to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability. (more…)

Participatory Futuring: Why futures matter in times of uncertainty

by Helen Manchester

In early November I had the pleasure of presenting at the national Locality Convention. Locality, one of the Centre’s strategic partners, is a member organisation with over 1500 members, many of them community anchor organisations who work with minoritised communities across the UK.

I had the pleasure of presenting alongside inspiring speakers LaKisha Williams, David Nugent, Afka Ray and Makala Cheung.

Through my research I come in to contact with many community-sector leaders. When I ask them about how they feel about the future they tell me they work in the immediate present, reactive to the communities that they serve in real time, dealing with complex issues immediately – not 6 or even 3 months down the line.

So why do we, in the Centre for Sociodigital Futures, think futures matter? (more…)